This PHPMaker 2024 project will show you how to change Multi-Page to Form-Wizard for Add Page, Edit Page, View Page, and Search Page. This is very useful if your table have many fields, and you want to divide it into some Pages. We use MasinoFormWizard24 Extension to achieve this so easily and quickly via PHPMaker 2024 Project.
Please note that MasinoFormWizard24 is one of the Extensions or is a part of Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 2024. You may actually get Masino Extensions from website. However, if you want to use only the Form Wizard extension, then you may simply use this project, since it also includes the Extension itself.
Now let's go back to MasinoFormWizard24 Extension! When the Required Fields are left blank, then system will display the error message if End-Users are trying to move to another page. In other words, End-Users cannot switch to another Page if the Required Fields are still left blank in the current Page.
In addition, for Add Page, the Submit button on the Form will only Enable at the last page. This will guide End-Users to click on Next button to go to the next page(s), or Previous to go back to the previous page(s). The similar thing also for Edit Page, the Submit button is enabled only at the last page.
We will learn how to write only a few line code to disable the Submit button in all pages except at the last page. PHPMaker 2024 has provided the related settings that we can adjust so easily via Client Scripts section. We will also learn that in order to implement Form Wizard, then we may simply use the Extension from PHPMaker 2024 project side. No need to customize the generated code. Just enable the Extension, and adjust some options from the Extension side. That's it!
There are 6 (Six) tables that you can test the Form-Wizard from this demo website:
- Employees (normal page)
- Customers (modal dialog)
- Suppliers (modal dialog)
- Products (modal dialog)
- Orders (normal page)
- Cars (modal dialog)
The Extension provides some WizardPageTheme option that can be chosen from Table level:
- arrows
- basic
- dots
- round
- square
The Extension provides some WizardPageColor options that can be chosen Table level, too:
- blue
- dark
- green
- lightblue
- red
- yellow
The Form-Wizard can also be implemented in Modal dialog window. It is recommended to use Modal dialog when the Number of Pages only Two or Three. As you can see from this demo website, you may check the Modal dialog style from Customers, Suppliers, Products, and Cars tables.