This PHPMaker 2024 project will show you anything about Date, Time, DateTime, including DateTimePicker and TimePicker controls. We will learn how to add additional options into the Extensions side, in order to change the display of the controls.
In Date Diff page, we will see how we can auto-calculate the difference between Start Date and End Date and display the result in Number of Day(s). When End-Users are selecting the Start Date and End Date, then system will calculate the result by using Javascript code.
In Durations page, we will see how to calculate duration between Start Date and End Date, then store the result in value of Seconds. By using this value, then we can convert it to human-style duration in how many Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. The converted value is displayed by using Custom Field.
In Periodic page, we will see how to display the End Date based on the value in Start Date and Periodic field (weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly). After End-Users are selecting the Start Date and Periodic value, then system will display the result in End Date field.
In Date Range page, we may learn how to use Custom Templates for the Extended Search section on List Page.
In Year Only, as its name said, we can learn how to change the DateTimePicker control to select Year only. No Month. No Date. Just select the Year. We will learn also how to save such data in database. Which field type should we use for that.
In Year and Month page, we will learn how to change the DateTimePicker control to select only Year and then Month only. We will learn also how to save such data in database. Which field type should we use for that.
In Time Only page, we will learn how to use TimePicker control to select Time value. Which field type should we use in database.
We can also validate the Start Date must be lower than or equal to End Date in client-side by using Javascript code. In addition, we can restrict the minimum date both for Start and End Date, must be equal to today's date by using Javascript code, too. If End-Users are changing the date directly from Textbox, then system will still validate that restriction date. This will, of course, be applied to those 3 pages above.
We will learn how to restrict the minimum date in DateTimePicker control by using the DateTimePicker Extension from PHPMaker v2024. We may simply enter the related option from Extension-side. Something that new in PHPMaker v2024 which is different with the previous versions that you must know.
In Calendar Report, we will see how we can add additional fields in the table that used by Calendar Report. There are 4 (Four) additional fields we added: Date_Added, Added_By, Date_Updated, and Updated_By. We may use Row_Inserting and Row_Updating server events to handle those 4 fields to be inserted/updated its value in database.